EverthingDental Magnification loupes are fast becoming the standard of care in dentistry. They offer enhanced visualization of the operating site, reduced eyestrain, and better ergonomics.
Early adopters of loupes were often self-conscious of the size and bulk of these glasses and were also concerned about patient perception. T
oday's dental loupes, however, are more compact and lightweight than their early predecessors. Patients are also more accepting of these devices as they realize that they provide superior visual accuracy and improved treatment outcomes.
Take a look at your loupes and ask yourself if you think your patient would be bothered by the appearance of your glasses. EverthingDental Magnification can help solve all problems.
It is important to note that Magnification loupes should never be soaked in any solution as water can leak between the lens elements.
Glass and plastic lens surfaces can be cleaned with an optical lens cleaner that is formulated for use with coated lens surfaces. These cleaners can be purchased at optical or drug stores. Use a lint free cloth to dry the lenses. Never polish the lenses or rub them hard with a facial tissue, as it is a wood product and the wood fibers can result in fine scratches.
To disinfect your loupes use either a quatemary ammonium disinfectant such as Cavicide, or a phenol alcohol-based spray such as Lysol.
Advantes go using EverthingDental's Magnification:
- In your working position, focus on the operating site.
- Close one eye.
- Loosen the thumbscrews that hold the opposite telescope ocular. Center the field of view evenly by turning the ocular
- Retighten the thumbscrew.
- Repeat with the other ocular.
Frame misalignment is also responsible for symptoms of double vision, reduced visualization and end of day eyestrain. For both fixed loupe systems (also known as through-the-lens) and flip-up designs, ensure that the frames are level with your eyes.
If your frame needs adjustment, an optometrist or optician can make sure your loupes are level with your facial geometry.
If you are industrious, you can remove the spectacle lenses from the frame and clean the frame and lens edge surface with a toothbrush For those dentists over 45, presbyopia -- a condition which results in difficulty with focusing up close -- may result in eyestrain after prolonged near work.
EverthingDental Magnification can help you overcome this tight situation. We are just a phone call away!